Stampin’ Up! Promotions and Dates

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Here are the upcoming Promotions and important dates from Stampin’ Up!

December 10-January 4.  Year-End Sale.  Select products offered at 40% to 60% off while supplies last.

Holiday Shipping.  I would recommend ordering Christmas gifts by the end of November.  If you are placing orders that contain Christmas gifts, allow extra time for shipping in December.  The latest recommended ordering date is December 17th.  Delivery dates are not guaranteed.
January 5-March 31.  Sale-A-Bration.  Buy $50 in products and choose a FREE Sale-A-Bration product!
January 5-May 31.  Occasions Catalog.  This catalog has lots of FUN NEW products for your Winter and Spring Crafting projects.

Merry Christmas!
Nendy Kerr

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