Simply Scored has gone Diagonal!

The Simply Scored Diagonal Plate is now available for purchase.  You can now easily score diagonal lines without guessing!  You can also make envelopes of any size.

* You will need a Simply Scored board (#122334) in order to use the Simply Scored Diagonal plate as it sits on top of the Simply Scored base.   There is an arrow on the back to help you place your Diagonal Plate properly.

The Simply Scored Diagonal Plate:

*Is held securely in place by rubber pads on the back of the plate.

*Has etched grooves every 1/8″ just like the Simply Scored board so the measurements at the top and side of the Simply Scored board will still be accurate..

*Includes instructions for creating common envelope sizes.

*Can score any paper up to 12″ x 12″.

*Stores right on top of your Simply Scored board.

*Simply Scored Board  #122334  $29.95
Simply Scored Diagonal Plate  #125586  $11.95

Have FUN Scoring!

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