One Week Deal for Joining Stampin’ Up!

Who are the Creative Corner Crafters?
Do you LOVE Stampin’ Up!’s high quality products?  Would you like to earn enough money to pay for some or all of your crafting supplies?  Stampin’ Up! has a deal for joining November 24th through December 2nd, 2014.  You will get a 25% discount on the Starter Kit AND receive a 5% cash back Bonus on your December Sales!

You can find more information on joining:  on the blog, on my Stampin; Up! Website.

Remember, the 25% Starter Kit Discount starts Monday, November 24th!  Look for more details here on Monday!

Contact me if you have any questions.  I check my email at least once a day (except Sunday).

Happy Contemplation!
Nendy Kerr

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