July Paper Pumpkin Circle Cards

Here are the first two cards I made from the July Paper Pumpkin Kit.  I still need to make the Heart cards.
July Paper Pumpkin Circle CardsIf you want your OWN Paper Pumpkin Kit in the mail each month you have two options:
~Prepaid subscription.  You choose the amount of time you want to receive your kits.  Also perfect to give as a gift.  Take a test drive at this link:  https://www.stampinup.com/ECWeb/CategoryPage.aspx?categoryid=102600&dbwsdemoid=2040075
~Monthly subscription.  No worries.  Your Kit ships automatically every month.  You can even suspend your kit for a month or two if necessary.  Sign up HERE:  https://www.paperpumpkin.com/en-us/sign-up/?demoid=2040075

So sign up TODAY and get your OWN crafting surprise box in the mail every month!


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