Happy Independence Day! Celebrate Love of Country and Family!

I hope you all celebrate your love of country and family!  I am very thankful to live in the USA.  I am also thankful to those in my family who traveled from other parts of the globe.  I also have an interest in Family History and Genealogy.  I have ancestors from Denmark, Sweden, England, and possibly Germany depending on where the German and Denmark borders were at the time.  My husband’s ancestors come from Denmark, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and (my one daughter’s favorite) The Isle of Man.  Some families stayed within the same 10 miles for many generations.  Some other families managed to have each generation born in a different country!  No matter where you live, take a moment to appreciate your country and your family!
Celebrate Country & Family! I made this flag using My Digital Studio and punches which I stretched and/or resized to make the flag.  The words are typed text.

Celebrate and enjoy your family!

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